In Memoriam

Brian Anderson

Christopher Carfi

Ryan O’Hara

Samantha Pileggi

Listen to Fauré: In Paradisum from Requiem


In paradísum: dedúcant te Angeli:

in túo advéntu suscípiant te Mártyres,

et perdúcant te in civitátem sánctam Jerúsalem.

Chórus Angelórum te suscípiat,

et cum Lázaro quondam páupere aetérnam hábeas réquiem.

May the Angels lead you into paradise:

may the Martyrs take you up at your coming,

and lead you into the holy city [of] Jerusalem.

May the Choir of Angels take you up,

and with Lazarus, [who was] once poor, may you have eternal rest